var _yes_label = "Yes"; var _no_label = "No"; var _busy_label = "Applying"; var _connected_label = "Connected"; var _enabled_label = "Enabled"; var _disabled_label = "Disabled"; var _save_label = "Save"; var _complete_label = "Complete"; var _edit_label = "Edit"; var _cancel_label = "Cancel"; var _close_label = CLOSE_LABEL = "Close"; var _skip_label = "Skip"; var _close_window_label = "Close Window"; var _delete_label = "Delete"; var _logout_label = "I need more time"; var _details_label = "Details"; var _browse_label = "Browse"; var _error_label = "Error"; var _warning_label = "Warning"; var _loading_label = "Loading…"; var _saved_label = "Saving"; var _section_saved = "Saved"; var _okay_label = "Okay"; var _ok_label = "OK"; var _failover_label = "Failover"; var _support_label = "Support"; var _notification_details_title = "Notification Details"; var _appliance_created_title = "Appliance Created"; var _add_remove_devices_label = "Add/Remove Protected Systems"; var _start_runbook_label = "Start Runbook"; var _warning_reached_resources_label = "You have reached or exceeded your resource usage limits. Please adjust the resource allocation for one or more protected systems"; var _is_selected = "is selected"; var _devices_selected = "protected systems selected"; var _appliance_label = "Appliance"; var _client_label = "Client"; var _umc_label = "UMC"; var _agree_label = "Agree"; var _disagree_label = "Do Not Agree"; var _feedback_label = "Send Feedback"; var _feedback_dialog_title = "Give us your Feedback"; var _failover_start_title = "Start Virtual Office (Failover)"; var _failover_discard_dialog_title = "Discard %s Virtual Machine"; var _failover_stop_dialog_title = "Stop VM"; var _failover_edit_dialog_title = "Edit Virtual Machine Settings"; var _failover_edit_vm_limits_dialog_title = "Edit Virtual Machine Resources Limits"; var _failover_stop_all_dialog_title = "Stop all VMs"; var _end_failover_dialog_title = "Discard this Virtual Office"; var _end_failover_msg = "Are you sure you want to end the virtual office?"; var _failover_not_exist_title = "Virtual Office Does not exist"; var _start_failover_label = "Start Virtual Office"; var _notification_dialog_title = "RMC System Notification"; var _render_dialog_title = "Render Server Image"; var _new_node_dialog_title = "Add New Node"; var _vm_password_dialog_title = "Password Required"; var offsite_status_label = function(status){ var labels = ['None','Success','Info','Not Run','Warning','Failure']; return labels[status]; }; var err_failover_details = "An error occurred retrieving the failover details"; var err_failover_create = "The failover could not be created"; var err_operation_failed = "The requested operation could not be completed"; var err_request_failed = "Request to server failed, please try again after some time."; var err_appliance_no_client = "No Assigned Client"; var err_rest_validation = "Validation errors occurred"; var logout_dialog_title = "Your session is about to expire!"; var appliance_upgrade_title = "Appliance Update"; var appliance_upgrade_msg = "A new version of the appliance software is available. Do you want to update the appliance? The update will start immediately and will require a reboot."; var appliance_upgrade_cancel = "A new version of the appliance software is being installed. Do you want to cancel this update? The cancellation will start immediately and will not require a reboot."; var browse_err_unreachable = "The server is not responding. Please try again shortly."; var browse_msg_loading = "Loading your offsite data.
This may take a few minutes."; var auditor_details_label = "Auditor Details"; var _failover_add_appliance_dialog_title = "Add this appliance to the virtual office?"; var _failover_appliance_added_msg = "The appliance has been added to the virtual office."; var failover_edit_plain_text_cpu_ram_validation = "Select a value between {0} and {1}"; var _failover_vm_details_label = "Details"; var _axtable_list_end = "That's all Folks!"; var _axtable_list_select = "Select"; var _remove_tab_label = "Remove Tab"; var _loading_tab_label = "Loading…"; var _cc_is_unavailable = "Cloud Continuity is unavailable"; var start_upgrade_dialog_title = "Update to version"; var cancel_upgrade_dialog_title = "Cancel Update"; var _view_credentials_dialog_title = "View Credentials"; var _discard_export_dialog_title = "Discard Export"; var schedule_appliance_update_dialog_title = "Schedule appliance update"; var SCHEDULE_APPLIANCE_DELETE_DIALOG_TITLE = "Please confirm your Delete request"; var SCHEDULE_APPLIANCE_DELETE_DIALOG_ERROR_TITLE = "Something does not checkout!"; var _contact_support = "Contact Support"; var intro_next = "Next"; var intro_show_me = "Show Me"; var intro_skip_tour = "Skip the tour"; var rmclang = { flow_ajax_error : "Network error. Please try again.", label_none_dropdown : "-- None --" }; var wrong_ip_address = "Please enter a valid IP Address, i.e."; var wrong_password = "Password cannot be empty"; var months_names = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; var months_names_short = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var field_required = "This field is required."; var _flow_recovery_select_device_has_no_valid_ps = "Protected System has no Cloud Restore Points available."; var _flow_recovery_select_device_mac_os_is_ineligible_for_recovery = "macOS Protected Systems cannot be exported to Virtual Disk."; var _flow_recovery_select_client_no_rp_tooltip = "This client has no restore points"; var _appliance_reboot_dialog_title = "Reboot Appliance - "; var _try_again= "Try Again"; var _running = "Running"; var _device_details_threshold_title = "Device Alert Configuration"; var _job_details_threshold_title = "Job Alert Configuration"; var _client_local_share_pending_unmount = "Pending Unmount"; var _ftps_discarding = "Discarding"; var _125_kbps = "125 Kbps"; var _250_kbps = "250 Kbps"; var _500_kbps = "500 Kbps"; var _1_mbps = "1 Mbps"; var _5_mbps = "5 Mbps"; var _10_mbps = "10 Mbps"; var _25_mbps = "25 Mbps"; var _50_mbps = "50 Mbps"; var _100_mbps = "100 Mbps"; var _250_mbps = "250 Mbps"; var _500_mbps = "500 Mbps"; var _1000_mbps = "1000 Mbps"; var _unlimited = "No limit"; /*Threshold strings*/ var _2_hours = "2 hours"; var _4_hours = "4 hours"; var _8_hours = "8 hours"; var _12_hours = "12 hours"; var _24_hours = "24 hours"; var _36_hours = "36 hours"; var _48_hours = "48 hours"; var _3_days = "3 days"; var _7_days = "7 days"; var _14_days = "14 days"; /* Gen2 specific values */ var _1_hour = "1 Hour"; var _12_hours = "12 Hours"; var _1_day = "1 Day"; var _3_days = "3 Days"; var _2_months = "2 Months"; var _6_months = "6 Months"; var _15_months = "15 Months"; var _18_months = "18 Months"; var _21_months = "21 Months"; var _2_years = "2 Years"; /* Retention values */ var _1_week = "1 Week"; var _2_weeks = "2 Weeks"; var _1_month = "1 Month"; var _3_months = "3 Months"; var _1_year = "1 Year"; var _3_years = "3 Years"; var _5_years = "5 Years"; var _7_years = "7 Years"; var _sec = "sec"; var _secs = "sec"; var _min = "min"; var _mins = "min"; var _hour = "hr" var _hours = "hrs"; var _day = "day"; var _days = "days"; var _week = "week"; var _weeks = "weeks"; var _month = "month"; var _months = "months"; var _year = "year"; var _years = "years"; var _copy_button_error = "Copy not supported or blocked. Press Ctrl(Cmd)-C to copy."; var rt_graph_1_day = "1 day"; var rt_graph_3_days = "3 days"; var rt_graph_1_month = "1 mo"; var rt_graph_3_months = "3 mos"; var rt_graph_6_months = "6 mos"; var rt_graph_1_year = "1 yr"; var rt_graph_years = "yrs"; var rt_graph_hourly = "hourly"; var rt_graph_daily = "daily"; var rt_graph_weekly = "weekly"; var rt_graph_monthly = "monthly"; var rt_graph_yearly = "yearly"; var rt_graph_over_time = "over time"; var rt_graph_recovey_points_remained = "recovery points remained"; var _brc_entity_title = "Appliance"; var datatable_language_options = {"sZeroRecords":"No matching records found","sSearch":"Search ","sProcessing":"Processing...","sLengthMenu":"Show _MENU_ records","sInfoFiltered":"(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)","sInfo":"Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries","sEmptyTable":"No data available in table","sPrevious":"Previous","sNext":"Next","sLast":"Last","sFirst":"First","oPaginate":{"sPrevious":"Previous","sNext":"Next","sLast":"Last","sFirst":"First"}}; var ADD_APPLIANCES = "Add appliances"; var ADD_APPLIANCES_SIDS_TITLE = "Add upto 500 Appliance IDs separated by commas"; var ERROR_LABEL_CHECKOUT = "Something didn`t checkout!"; var ADD_APPLIANCES_SIDS_WARNING_TITLE = "Some of the Appliance IDs could not be added to the Update Schedule:"; /** Reseller dashboard **/ var page_reseller_system_details_last_refresh_label = "Last refresh:"; var page_reseller_system_details_refresh_rate_button = "Refresh Rate"; var page_reseller_system_details_refresh_rate_item_refresh_all = "Refresh all now"; var page_reseller_system_details_refresh_rate_item_5_minutes = "Every 5 minutes"; var page_reseller_system_details_refresh_rate_item_15_minutes = "Every 15 minutes"; var page_reseller_system_details_refresh_rate_item_hourly = "Hourly"; var page_reseller_system_details_refresh_rate_item_recommended = "(recommended)"; var label_protection_status_troubled = "Troubled"; var label_protection_status_warned = "Warned"; var label_protection_status_healthy = "Healthy"; var _thresholds_slider_input_validation_message = 'Select a value between {0} and {1}'; var label_autoverify_start_time = 'Restore Point Tested'; var label_autoverify_end_time = 'Test Completed'; var label_autoverify_results = 'Results'; var label_autoverify_checks_system_boot_check = 'System Boot Check:'; var label_autoverify_heartbeat = 'Heartbeat:'; var label_autoverify_vss_check = 'VSS Check:'; var label_autoverify_checks_job_chkdsk = 'Disk Filesystem Check:'; var label_autoverify_no_img = 'No BootVM Screenshot'; var page_device_details_geo_plus_error = 'Geo+ has encountered an error. Please try again.'; var page_device_details_geo_plus_enabled = 'Geo+ has successfully been enabled. Replication will begin shortly.'; var page_device_details_geo_plus_disabled = 'Geo+ successfully disabled. Please allow time for your replicated data to be deleted.'; var page_device_details_geo_plus_enable = 'Enable Geo+'; var page_device_details_geo_plus_disable = 'Disable Geo+'; var page_client_settings_geo_plus_enable = 'Enable Geo+'; var page_client_settings_geo_plus_disable = 'Disable Geo+'; /** Common Frontend-Backend constants **/ var BRC_RECOVER_FLOW_TYPE = "recover-gen2"; var REPLIBIT_RECOVER_FLOW_TYPE = "recover-gen4";